A woman who knows about pregnancy

The Fertility Expert
Zita West has been helping women to get pregnant for over 30 years and she is a leading fertility expert, a midwife and a nutritional advisor, amongst other things. She has a clinic in London which has seen the likes of Cate Blanchett, Sophie Wessex and Stella McCartney walking through the door.
She is popular due to her holistic approach to getting pregnant and through the pregnancy process and, she firmly believes in preparing your body beforehand if possible and looking after yourself when you are pregnant. She has written books on pregnancy and fertility and conception and she has relaxation CDs and MP3s for sale from her website.
Last year she opened up a consultancy in Ireland, where the child birth rate for older mothers in the highest in Europe. She wants to help would be mothers get into shape for pregnancy and she says that one of the most important things to take care of if you are trying to conceive, is your nutrition.
Eat Yourself Pregnant
Last year she brought out her new book, eat yourself Pregnant, which is a beautifully illustrated cookery book with 80 recipes to give your body what it needs to increase fertility, as well as tips and hints for both men and women, especially those trying for a baby late in life.
Every Day Recipes
It is not a strict ‘don’t eat anything that is easy to find in the supermarket’ book. She says herself that women should not be too hard on themselves and she wants couples to enjoy cooking and eating delicious food that’s healthy. Fruit, nuts, green vegetables and fish such as salmon are included, and the recipes are for every day food that you can cook quickly and easily. An example is her fertility pizza, which is made with spelt, passata, sun dried tomatoes, garlic and herbs and topped with mozzarella, artichokes, parma ham and figs.
Cooking From Scratch – Easily
Zita wants to encourage mothers to be and their partners to cook meals from scratch, rather than relying on microwaved meals or takeaways which do nothing but give you extra calories and make you fat. Whilst she realises young girls are unlikely to think about living a healthy lifestyle, older mums-to-be are more likely to embrace any changes in their lives that will help them to become pregnant.
Fertility Boost
Her cook book also has a ten day fertility boost for women and men and all the recipes include ingredients that nourish women’s bodies and help men’s sperm health. There is also advice about supplements which include folic acid, vitamins, iron and calcium.
She says women and men who want to start a family shouldn’t eat too much sugar or too many carbs because this causes blood sugar spikes, weight should be maintained, don’t smoke and limit alcohol, but she says most importantly a couple should relax and enjoy making a baby.
The book can be purchased through her website where you can also read more about her work and her consultation practice.