Bed Rest During Pregnancy: 10 Ideas for Things to Do

Sometimes, bed rest is recommended to prevent pregnancy complications such as premature labor or vaginal bleeding. Whereas the idea of staying home might sound like a dream for some, for most this means being isolated and bored, whether this is just for a brief period or for several months. To help you stay sane during this potentially solitary time, here are a few activities you can do during bed rest when pregnant. Have fun!

Play games

Whether this is on your computer, your phone or in a good old magazine, try crosswords, word hunts, quizzes, sudoku, Candy Crush or any other game that you enjoy. You may also discover that you like doing puzzles. If you are tired of being alone, you can even play some games with your friends or random players via the internet.

beautiful pregnant woman relaxing sleeping

Colouring books for adults

If might seem odd at first, but trust us, colouring books are not only for children. Lots of grown-ups are crazy about them too. In fact, not only are these books great for detoxing a little from the screens and the digital world, they are also an incredible way to help you relax. Go on, give it a try!

Read a new book

You have two options: you can finally read that classic book that you’ve always pushed away because you were too tired or too busy with other things. Or, instead, you can opt for some nice, new contemporary books that will make you feel happy.

Create a family album

Remember all of those moments returning from fantastic holidays abroad? Like many of us, you were probably planning to collect these good memories together in an album but, due to your busy schedule, you never actually got round to it. Well, time is no longer an issue.

You can do it the old fashion way and buy a beautiful album in the supermarket before adding the photos you have developed. You may also enjoy putting together a little scrapbook, to make your project more unique.

Another option is to create your album by using one of the many websites dedicated to this purpose. These sites allow you to personalize your album from A to Z. You can choose how to display the pictures, the colours or the background, the style of the fonts, etc. When you’re finally happy with the result, you just need to order it and then wait for it to arrive in your mailbox.

Make the most of your slightly more restricted situation to design a stunning collection of photos celebrating your holidays, your honeymoon or the best moments spent with your sweetheart. Be creative!

Chill out in front of Netflix

Netflix has a huge choice of series, movies, and documentaries of all kind. You can finally watch those classics films you’ve heard so much about but have never had the chance to see, catch up on the series that everyone is talking about and educate yourself on all kinds of fascinating topics by watching documentaries.

Accompanied by whatever culinary delight takes you fancy (chips, nuts, sweets?), you’re bound to pass a nice and pleasant moment with your new best friend, Netflix! Of course, there’s also television and YouTube, where you can find lots of interesting stuff too.

Take care of your body

It’s not because you’re a pregnant woman that you can’t take care of yourself. Make use of your spare time to put on some nail polish (opt for a non-toxic one). You can also apply a nice scented cream to your body to make it smooth. In short, pamper yourself! It will be more complicated when baby finally arrives…

Start a blog

You’ve been thinking of starting a blog for a while but you just haven’t had the time? You can now! Whether this is a blog about fashion, travel, pregnancy, being a mum or any other topic that fascinates you, make the most of your bed rest by regularly writing posts. WordPress or Blogger are great for easily starting a blog for free. Trust us, you’re going to love being a blogger!

Write a journal

Why not document this unique experience in a diary? Alternatively, you could also write about your journey of trying to conceive or even your childhood. Another idea is to write letters to your future baby. Whether your little angel will read this or not when he or she will be older, writing these letters can be a really moving exercise.

Prepare for baby’s arrival

When baby will be born, you’ll have many other things to do and think about. Take advantage of your bed rest by purchasing baby clothes or items for the baby’s room, in order to better welcome him or her into this world. You could even treat yourself a little.

This is also the moment to design and imagine the decoration of the nursery. Additionally, unless you already have something chosen, you could seriously start your search for baby names.

Learn something new

Just as with colouring books, there is no set age to learn new skills. When browsing on the internet and especially on YouTube, you’ll find thousands of posts and videos that start with “How to”. Ideas of the things you could learn: a new language, history, writing, knitting, coding, making origami, or drawing. Why not try to knit a warm hat for your baby or a scarf for your partner?

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