Succeed at Online Dating and Find the Right Co-Parent Match

You’ve decided to start a family, and whether you’re single or an LGBT couple, you want to find a co-parent? Online dating is a good way to get what you’re looking for! To make sure you do it right and to ensure that you find the perfect co-parent match for you, discover our tips to succeed at online dating.

Register with an online dating website that corresponds to you

Take your time to find the right online dating website for you. Don’t waste your energy on a website that simply doesn’t fit what you are looking for. If you are searching for a co-parent, it’s best to register with a co-parenting dating website. For instance, can help you to find the perfect co-parent match for you.


Couple in love A boyfriend carrying his girlfriend on his back

Work on your biography

Your profile must describe who you are and what you are looking for. Don’t try to impress anyone, it’s not a resume. Instead, be concise and sincere: say what you’re searching for – a sperm donor, an egg donor or a co-parent – and describe yourself briefly. Add the most detail as possible: where you live, your appearance, your hobbies, your religion if you have one, your job… It’s really important that you take time doing this, as people often decide in a matter of seconds whether you will fit or not.
Also, give a great deal of thought to choosing the pseudo that most suits you. To avoid any risks, don’t use your whole name. The first name – often with a number added – is a popular choice.

Add the best picture of you

The profile picture is a key element to a profile. It’s the first thing that people see. Incidentally, people will be more willing to click on your profile and then send you messages if they like your photo. So, put the best, most recent picture of you that you can find, and if none of them please you, take the time to do one good shot.

Approach people that fit your objectives

There’s no point wasting yours or anyone else’s time approaching a person that doesn’t share the same objectives as you. They live far away from you but you’re looking specifically for someone who lives in the same region? If relocating is not on your agenda, best to forget about it and move on to the next profile.
This also applies to the messages you receive. If you get lots of messages, you don’t have to answer to everyone, especially if they don’t correspond to what you’re looking for. Don’t worry, you won’t offend anyone! Therefore, carefully read people’s profiles first and focus on finding a co-parent that suits your search.

Write a great first message

You’ve found a potential match? It’s the moment to contact him or her! Take time to write your first message: be honest and friendly, it’s the best approach! By the way, if someone doesn’t reply to you, don’t bombard them with messages otherwise you might annoy them or scare them off.

From the virtual to the real

After exchanging messages or talking on the phone, it’s time to finally date! It’s only when you meet someone in person that you can really see their personality and if they have good intentions. Choose a public place where you feel comfortable, like a coffee shop or a nice park. To improve your chances of success, take the time to truly prepare yourself. To be safe, inform your friends where you’re meeting, you can never be too careful! In addition, don’t invite the person to your place before knowing her or him better.

Meet several possible matches

Unless you are lucky and you think you’ve found the perfect person right away, don’t stop looking and dating after having met just one person! Send messages to different people and try to meet the ones that suit you. This way you’ll optimize your potential of finding and choosing the right co-parent match.

Look beyond the internet

There is a world out there! Disconnect yourself from the internet and you might meet someone for you in the library, the supermarket, a restaurant or at a friend’s place…Open yourself up to new opportunities and don’t stop looking!

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