• the nearly fairtail couple …

    Posted by ___XXX on 20 January 2012 at 15:49

    I am 110% in love with my husband and he is 110% in love with me! but after 3 years of trying we cannot concieve, as much as i would like to say it doesnt matter, it does, to us both, we want the chance to be fab parents to another baby aswell as my daughter from a previous relationship, I want to share the experience of 1st scans, 1st kicks, cravings, emotions, labour and those 1st nights with my husband that make having a baby special, we want to nourish and nurture a baby into an adult and give it everything it needs, we will give our child everything, we would prefer a donor with no contact, as we want to do this as ‘normaly’ as possible, we hope there is somone very special out there to guide us through this and help us


    ___XXX replied 13 years ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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