Co-Parenting – Find a Sperm Donor or CoParent in the UK Forum Co-Parents in UK Re. Guardian Weekend anonymous stories of coparenting.

  • Re. Guardian Weekend anonymous stories of coparenting.

    Posted by ___XXX on 3 June 2020 at 14:22

    With thanks to and following my earlier note about our feature on people who meet online to have a raise a child together, we would like to hear from anyone who might share this experience with us anonymously.
    This means no pictures and changed first names; identifying details such as ages, job, location, pregnancy and birth timings can be altered too. I am conscious that there remains apprehension about publicly sharing coparenting experiences in the UK but this makes them no less important or relevant – arguably more so. As before, we want to look, in depth, at this modern way to start a family, as told via the testimonies of those who have done and are doing it, how it works for them, what appeals about parenting this way and the emotions and practicalities involved on both sides, from signing up to sites, partnering with someone, pregnancy and parenting. Interviews would be over a call with me and you need not be in touch with anyone else.

    To discuss further, I can be reached at My website is

    All best,

    ___XXX replied 4 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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