• Older Mother Seeking Sperm Donor

    Posted by Unknown Member on 20 May 2009 at 21:31

    Hello All … I was very excited to find this website because its just that one step closer toward fulfilling my dream of parenthood. Nevertheless, I’m Ash and it is my hope to find a very dedicated and special donor to help me make this all happen.

    You can be a known donor or completely anonymous — I don’t expect anything financially from you, though far from being wealthy, I am able to financially care for my children without the need for assisted support.

    Sadly, the donor I used with my daughter (who is 15 months old now) is no longer able to assist me to create a sibling for my little girl, as he was deployed out of country with the military for the next three years.

    I am a very open minded older mom’ who so much desires to have just one more baby”’ and am having a very difficult time finding a donor… Please, if you can help, contact me…

    God Bless

    Unknown Member replied 15 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Steven

    27 May 2009 at 15:22

    I would be interested if you are still looking. I am 26 years old and I live in Canada.

  • ___XXX

    27 May 2009 at 16:09

    Hello Ash,

    I have just come across this website and hope that it is the answer to my prayers. Do you mind if I ask you how worked out with the first donor? I am new to this so I havent a clue what to expect. Do you have to pay donors? Is it via home insemination? etc I am living in Ireland and am not sure how much success I will have with my search here. Is this a new site?


  • ___XXX

    16 June 2009 at 09:19

    Hello Ash –

    I’ve recently registered as a donor and would be interested to help. I’m 29, currently in the UK, have a Ph.D and fresh STD tests.
    Axion –

  • ___XXX

    1 July 2009 at 15:24

    I could help i am in durban South africa. 😀

  • ___XXX

    6 November 2009 at 19:05

    Hi there ash i have just read your post although i carnt help you i can understand how you feel. im caz 37 yr old mum of 4 and iam so very desperate to have another child just one more.I thought i may be alone in wanting this until i found your post. anyway if you would like to chat please feel free and i wish you alll the luck in the world xxx

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