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As the evening draws to as end I sit here and wonder how others feel about a single woman such as myself wanting another child at 40. Some I am sure would say that I have one and that should be enough especially as there are so many who cannot even have one. 😮
Well I know what that feels like as I have endometrosis and getting pregnant the 1st time was a blessing as doctors had told me at 20 years old “You will never have children”. There was no gentle breaking of the news, no sorry I was left in a room to deal with the news and for a time I kept this to myself but when I finally told my own family I was able to explain the reason for the doctors diagnosis. Yet still I said “Docotrs have been known to be wrong”
I was later told that I could apply for IVF treatment but when I mother became ill I took the decision to put er 1st and at least I can say I did right by her and the family as she is still here and able to see that she has produced a fighter and I am. 😀
So it may seem selfish to some that I could want one more child but I am a good person and I think a good mother and if I’d been like others in my own family I would have had more children the normal way but I cannot which is Y I am here. 🙂
My son would love a brother or sister and if he had his way both in one go lol although I’d be content with just one more but all because I am single does not mean I should give up thats how losers think and I was never one of those.
your thoughts ❓
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