Is this Paul73 for real?
I have noticed that there is a man/donor called Paul73 on here and all he seems to do is moan about everything (donation charges etc etc) either he has a very big chip on his shoulder or he just needs one to cry on or something. I am looking for a donor/co-parent to get pregnant hence why I am on this site, I mean I don’t know if this man if offering to donate to ladies or he just likes to have a dig! For one thing he is giving women a bad name saying that we say we want the donor to be in the childs life then we change our minds once we have gotton pregnant or whatever. Surely if we want the donor to be in the childs life, don’t we stick to that? When I find a suitable donor/co-parent, I would like them to have some part if that is what they want and I wouldn’t go back on that as I would for ever be great full to which ever man helped me! This Paul73 also harps on about surrogacey and how us women use people we are helping to have a baby by charging vast amounts of money just to help them have a baby, I mean, would you? Because if I was being a surrogate mother, I would feel I had achieved something and had helped other people have that baby that they long for just like me and other women out there looking to have a baby through donor/surrogate or co-parent! Money doesn’t bother me as that isn’t how I operate! Is this man a donor? 😀
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