I would like some advice, single woman wanting a child
I really just want some advice.
I’m 34 years old, I had one child and they passed away 9 years ago now, ever since I have wanted more children, the many I was with kept telling me to wait a little longer a little longer, then last year he decided he doesn’t want children any time soon =(
It has been heartbreaking to realise that I put this off for someone that never intended to do this with me. So I decided I really just want to focus on having a child right now, I’m not rich though, I dont have the money to pay for a private clinic which is literally the only advice I got from my GP.
I was wondering if it’s possible to buy from a sperm bank and do an ici, is that legal? Or, are there any charities to help single women to pay fertility clinic prices? To be honest any advice would be amazing, sorry for rambling! Tysm for any advice.
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