High Amy this Id like to respond to I dont know anything about you and this seems like a clean slate. I am a male, 32, From Bristol area willing to travel however far to meet up with you and am completely straight. I have fun with going on the internet and talking to people so that I can share interests about wide ranges of places, such as travel and new things. The best thing about meeting people on Co-Parent is that there are so many diverse ranges of backgrounds and types, so you meet new interests, and are then opened. The type of people I get on with though are the ones who are really nice, extra enthusiastic, and are genuinely loving. I am curious do you find that you yourself are into babies a lot, or is this a new thing or you are in a strong commitment that takes alot of your day? If so you may be professional or mature, but this should not seem like something which can stop us being the one to have the children together. I also think its interesting you feel you need to have a relationship with a man you already have- which is nice, so obviously you will have alot of people desperate to be involved in supporting you as you definitely have alot of stability and are at ONE with yourself. I have spoken to a many different people from a wide range of ethnicities and orientations and so I have met people like you before. I am very active myself and get really into the baby making game, as well as strong priorities and aspirations.
It would help if we met because I always feed alot of others when meeting people, and so you’ll either love me or you’ll hate me. I think you two would be together if we both met and that I would like it because Id have an equal opinion fairly minded from both of you. I want whats right for your love but I have lots of other potential customers. Do be sure to give a message because Iv found it can sometimes lead to a mobile phone number. Thanx!