Donor/co-parent wanted
by marzi » Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:11 pmEvening all!
I’m single, 36 from Manchester. I’m looking for a donor, but am open to co-parenting. AI is preferable, but may consider NI, obviously with both parties producing satisfactory test results.
I have so many questions, but I guess they can only be answered by prospective donors. This is something I have been working towards, I gave up smoking, subsequently put some weight on so now I”m changing my lifestyle in preparation.
I am hoping to choose a donor, who lives in the Manchester/north west area, and between 30 and 45 years of age. Over 6ft. I am trying to choose donors based on characteristics I would have found attractive, to make this as natural as possible. Also, I’m hoping for something in between straight forward donation and full on co-parenting, but if I met someone I considered would be a fantastic parent to my child, and a good friend to me, then I would be happy with complete co-parenting.
Please get in touch if you feel you could help. I’ll start replying to messages soon, I’m just gathering as much information as possible, I’ll be in touch in the next week or so if you have messaged me.
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