Since the law changes in the UK, there has been a massive reduction in donors through regulatory bodies due to new human rights issues, especially that of tracing history and other legal issues. As donors, we try to protect ourselves and our prospective recipients from the ridiculous changes that prevent good people from having a much deserved family. After all, we have made a huge decision to help others, to create a child we cannot parent, and we should not have to field derogatory messages as a result of that.
Recipients of sperm often converse by email and PM to discover as much as they can about the donor who offers his services. Inevitably there is a direct face to face meeting with the donors and recipients and this is where a child is conceived. But this is his child aswell as hers. He is ushered into a bathroom or other with a cup and the door is closed. Indignantly, this man sits there with the eagerly waiting audience waiting outside. As soon as the task is done, he is rushed out the door and out comes the turkey baster. OK, a little over simplified but essentially the facts. 
And to those donors who give in good faith, once the package leaves your possession, you have no control over who and how many receive your genetic material. Any agreements made would be uncontrolled and I really don’t want some unexpected contacts or financial claim many years from now if I have not agreed to such.
A clinical and in my opinion, demeaning way to conceive my child.
The choice is yours. This is mine.