a bit worried
Hey all,
Just wanted to talk a bit to people who have received donor sperm and what actually happens, I am a bit new to all of this and I just wanted to know some information.
I want to AI myself at home with donor sperm, but I don’t know how to get the sperm; let me explain: once I have found the right donor and arrange for him to donate his sperm to me; does he send his sperm to me? or do we meet in a public place and hand over the ‘goods’ then I go home and inseminate myself? I have all the kit for the insemination, and I am tracking my fertile dates from the first day of my last menstual cycle. I have the ovulation test strips (the ones where you pee in a contain and hold the stick in and then take it out and leave it for a couple of mins and it has two lines if i am most fertile and near to ovulating) so do I use those strips when I am supposed to be most fertile and the days leading up to this fertile time? Then once I am near to this fertile stage, do I tell my donor that I need the sperm soon? How many times in your fertile window to you inseminate yourselves? As I don’t know how I should arrange it with the donor? Because I guess only inseminating once a month at the most fertile time is going to give a small chance of conception compared to if I was to inseminate myself 3 or 4 times in the window of fertility. Some websites say inseminating every 3-4 days, what is your opinion on this?
Does anybody have their own experiences they would like to share?
I’m sorry to be a pain about this, I just want to do this completly right from the start.
Please reply on here as I can’t access my messages,
Thank You =)
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