Sperm Donor Nutrition Guide

Preparing for sperm donation may seem very simple, and the actual donation portion may well be. However, preparing to donate is one of the most important stages in any sperm donation process, and ensuring that you are generally fit and nutritionally healthy will play a major role in the success of your fertility.

The nutritional status of any man or women trying to conceive a child has historically been shown to play a part in the ability or success rate of a sperm donation. Of course, this is equally as important for a woman to ensure that her health is receptive to producing healthy eggs, but as a sperm donor it is important that you ensure your health and nutrition is at the best it can be. Exercise and diet are the best ways to ensure this, and here are a few tips for you.


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Your diet does not need to change radically, unless you are already eating an unhealthy or unbalanced diet every day. A well balanced diet should include plenty of fruit and vegetables, as well as complex carbohydrates which will give you, and your sperm, the necessary energy to help conceive a child. Oily foods, fibre and organic foods are recommended as part of a diet in order to aid reproduction and fertility, while sugar, caffeine and processed foods should be avoided where possible.

You might want to consider using supplements such as zinc, calcium and folic acid in your diet in the lead up to your sperm donation. Zinc in particular is extremely important for the production and maintenance of sperm and male hormones, enabling swifter, easier reproduction for men. You can get plenty of zinc through eggs, apricots, whole grains, dried fruit and vegetables, amongst other things, but if these items are not often on your shopping list or in your diet, they should either be added or taken as supplements before you donate your sperm.

Calcium is important for both the man and the woman as calcium helps to develop a child’s teeth and bones. Without adequate calcium in the sperm or in the egg, the foetus will have trouble developing these important elements. Calcium can be found in most dairy foods, as well as certain fish and vegetables, however supplements can be, and should be, taken if you do not get enough natural calcium in your diet.

Iron is another mineral that has been found to be necessary for good levels of fertility, and this is found in foods such as apricots, vegetables and beans. Iron can be taken as an extra supplement with your diet, but if you are getting plenty of it in your regular intake then you shouldn’t need to add in any more.

One common misconception amongst sperm donors is that masturbation will deplete your sperm count. This is not true, as men continue to produce more sperm throughout their lives. However, in the immediate few days up to your donation, you will be required to abstain from any form of masturbation or sexual activity, as it takes a few days for your sperm count to top itself back up again once you have used up any of the ‘goods’. Going to make your donation with any less than a fully stocked ‘tank’ will not be worth your while, or that of the prospective mother you are donating to.

Remember all of this advice, and most of all maintain a healthy and balanced diet, and you are well on your way to giving somebody the best gift possible.

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